The Ancient Parish Boundary
In a typical year The Old Enfield Charitable Trust administers around £250K in discretionary grants to families, individuals and community groups residing and living within the boundary of the Ancient Parish. Grant decisions are taken on a quarterly basis by the fifteen Trustees that either live, work or otherwise have a good knowledge of the Ancient Parish.
Applications are treated in the strictest confidence and you will be informed of the Trustees decision shortly after the quarterly meeting. To find out if your address is sited within our boundary you can find the list of all street names in our Eligibility Checker. Some roads cut across the boundary but these are clearly marked in the checker and in these circumstances you will need to contact the Grant administrator for clarification.
Personal Grants
These one off grants are for residents who cannot afford unexpected expenditure, including replacement or provision of household goods and furniture. The Trust will purchase basic new items on your behalf from its suppliers once your grant has been approved. Please note that the Trust does not award Monetary Grants.
Educational Grants
Students and residents undertaking education or training are invited to apply for assistance with living costs including equipment, childcare and other general expenses during their course of study. Students are expected to take up loan offers and make approaches for Access Funding, as is the responsibility of the local authority or central government, prior to seeking assistance
Community Grants
The Trust welcomes funding applications from community and grassroots projects within the Ancient Parish that reflect the diversity and vibrancy of Enfield. Applications will be required to demonstrate the benefit to local residents in alignment with the Trusts key areas of interest such as Children and Education, Health, Environment, Active Lifestyles and others
Grant Eligibility Checker
To find out whether you are eligible for a grant from the Old Enfield Charitable Trust, you first need to check whether you live within the Enfield parish boundary. Please call our office on 020 8367 8941 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 4:30pm). Have your road and postcode ready so the Trust can check if your road falls within our boundary
What we fund
Need some help paying for a school trip, or medical equipment? Perhaps you really need a new bed, or a carpet after a flood, fire or accident. Our Personal Grants cover most things…
History of the Trust
Thanks to the generous gifts of local benefactors and past Kings of England, the Trust in Enfield has been supporting individuals, families and local organisations in financial need that live and work within the boundary of the ..…
Meet the Trustees
In all there are fifteen Trustees, two of whom are nominated by St Andrews Church and two more nominated by Enfield Council. The remaining 11 are elected as and when vacancies arise. Trust business is carried out by a series of ..…